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Safety Village Waiver

For insurance reasons, this waiver must be completed by all users of the Children’s Safety Village.


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I, the undersigned, as the parent or legal guardian, or authorized by the parent or legal guardian of, do hereby give my full consent and approval for the children listed as below, “the Participant(s)” to participate in activities at Children’s Safety Village and agree as follows: 

I declare that I am the parent or legal guardian, or authorized by the parent or legal guardian of, to represent the Participant(s) named below. 

By entering the Children’s Safety Village, I acknowledge the inherent risks present in an outdoor play environment.  While Children’s Safety Village and its staff work diligently to provide a safe environment for all, certain risks, whether inherent in the facility itself or caused by myself, any of the Participants, or other participants of Children’s Safety Village, are unavoidable. These risks include, but are not limited to, damage to personal property, personal injury or death. I voluntarily assume and accept all risks to myself, the Participant(s), and my personal property. 

I hereby, for myself and on behalf of the participants, agree to save and hold harmless and fully indemnify Children’s Safety Village Management and Staff, on the account that all normal safety procedures have been taken on behalf of Management and Staff, from any and all liability for any personal injury or injury to any third-party child resulting from the participants actions/participation in the above-mentioned activities.

I hereby release Children’s Safety Village and its entire staff from any and all liability, on the account that all normal safety procedures have been taken on behalf of Management and Staff, for any injuries that the participants may sustain as a result of any activities taken place Children’s Safety Village.

I hereby declare that I am the parent or legal guardian of, or have been duly authorized by the parent or legal guardian, to represent the Participant(s) named above.
I declare that all information above is accurate and complete.